21 Ekim 2024 Pazartesi


Festival Les Instants Vidéo becomes a Museum of solidarity to welcome 8TH BIENNAL /SI:N/ IN PRAISE OF THE HIGH SHADOW (based on a poem by Mahmoud Darwich, written in 1982 during the siege of Beirut, a poem written after the Sabra and Shatila massacre, read in Algeria in 1983 before the Palestinian National Council.) FROM 2 PM TO 9:30 PM SCREENINGS, EXHIBITION, ENCOUNTERS In 2024, the Palestinian video and performance art biennal /si:n/ (8th edition) is forced into exile. It will be hosted by the 37th Festival Les Instants Vidéo. But it will also be travelling the world, welcomed by other museums of solidarity (in Ethiopia, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Jordan, Lebanon, Canada, USA). Inspired* by the tri-continental, anti-imperialist solidarity movements of the 1960s and 80s, at the crossroads of militant, artistic and museological practices that created a very particular form of museum of solidarity, without walls, and more often than not, museums in exile (in support of the people of Chile, Nicaragua, South Africa and of course Palestine), the A.M. Qattan Foundation and Les Instants vidéo launched a call for solidarity to artists and international organisations.

Salim Abu Jabal, Toni Mestrovic, Sarah Violaine, François Lejault, Brigitte Valobra, Silvia De Gennaro, Essa Grayed, Pascal Li évre, Malu Béa, Eleni Gioti, Fırat Bingöl, Emilia Sol, Joana Villaver, Przemyslaw Sanecki, Razan Al Salah, Fran Orallo, Valérie LeBlanc, Daniel H.Dugasa, Lisa Prada, Elsa Muller, Juan Desteract, Sarah Beddington, Manal Mahamid, Alhroub, Hiba Isleem, Razan Amleh, Mohamed Harb-art, Abed Alkereem, Noor Abed, Yamani, Awar, Julani, Linda Katbeh, Nizar Marzouqa, Eslam Muheisen, Lilly Ann Benson, Dina Mimi, Siam, Bushra Barghoıthi, Abdallah Motan,

26 Mart 2024 Salı

The Mourning of Nature and Humanity

The Mourning of Nature and Humanity Fırat Bingöl, Havin-Al Sindy, Dr. Olesya Chayka/Maryna Markova, Mehmet Ali Boran, Muhammed Kaya, Rezzan Gümgüm, Rojda Tugrul, Wirya Budaghi, Vooria Aria. Wie gehen die KünstlerInnen dieser Ausstellung mit Um- weltverantwortung in ihren auf Ökologie basierenden Kunstpraktiken um? Wie können Bedenken hinsichtlich Nachhaltigkeit und ökologischer Probleme in den the- oretischen und praktischen Aspekten der Kunst adres- siert werden? Darüber hinaus werden Ansätze zur Natur und Ökologie in der zeitgenössischen Kunst diskutiert. Die Ausstellung konzentriert sich auf die Arbeit der eingeladenen KünstlerInnen, die Werke in verschiede- nen Disziplinen produzieren, die eine direkte Botschaft über Umweltprobleme vermitteln und uns einladen, über Nachhaltigkeit nachzudenken. How do the artists showcased in this exhibition integ- rate environmental responsibility into their art practices centered on ecology? How can concerns regarding sustainability and ecological issues be effectively incor- porated into both the theoretical and practical dimen- sions of art? Furthermore, the discussion will delve into contemporary art‘s approaches to nature and ecology, with a primary focus on the works of the invited artists spanning various disciplines. These artists convey direct messages concerning environmental issues or provoke contemplation on sustainability through their creative endeavors.

9 Ocak 2024 Salı